labores de patchwork 100 X 100 HECHO A MANO

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martes, 30 de abril de 2019


   Me gustan mucho los complementos y estos molinillos de unos 5 cm de diametro, son ideales para llevarlos como colgante o como broche!!

  Los ví en facebbok y no pude evitar probar hacer alguno, y me 
 gustó tanto que no paré de hacerlos, fué el regalo estrella en las Navidades pasadas, he pordido la cuenta de los que llegué hacer!

con un circúlo de 4 cm relleno de boata y 12 cuadrados de tela, conseguimos esta miniatura!

este fué el primero que hice

          todos quedan preciosos!

   espero que os gusten y os animeis a probar hacerlos!


153 comentarios:

  1. Preciosos, me encantan!!!!!
    Te han quedado todos super bien combinados, eres una artista
    Me podrias decir de que medida son los cuadrados?
    Son ideales para un detalle

  2. Son monísimos!! Hace tiempo que me los miro, pero nunca encuentro el momento de ponerme a ello. Tendré que probar en cuanto tenga tiempo.


  3. Me han encantado así que seguramente que probare. ¿Qué medida tienen los cuadritos?

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Son preciosos y tú les ha dado más encanto combinando tan bien las telas.
    Un beso

  6. Me encanto como te han quedado y el uso como prendedor magnífico.
    Los cuadrados miden 8,5 cm
    Saludos y felicitaciones por tu hermoso trabajo

  7. Hola Cris.....son preciosos.....y un detalle muy bonito para final de curso.....por favor pon las medidas....las telas preciosas...un beso

  8. Ya los vi y te lo dije en facebook, te quedaron preciosos. Tengo que intentar hacer alguno. Besitos

  9. Son preciosos!!! Buscaré a ver si encuentro algún tutorial facilito por internet porque me ha parecido una idea muy buena para hacer algún regalito.
    Supongo que la tela deberá ser un poco gordita para que queden tan bien como los tuyos...

  10. Como me gustan¡¡¡¡¡¡ Son ideales para regalar..... Kris, tus trabajos son siempre espectaculares. Gracias por compartir.

  11. Te quedaron ideales y con esas telas tan bonitas que siempre usan , aun mas.
    Yo tengo alguno a medio hacer, pero de Navidad, a ver si me pongo y los termino.

  12. Que preciosidad, un colgante de lo mas original.

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  89. It isn't so difficult to interaction to get a discount when your flight abrogation result is a Covid. On the off chance that your flight is dropped by delta itself, you will get the delta dropped flight remuneration and assuming you have dropped the flight you will get the discount in light of your ticket and reservation.

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  91. At first getting going as a harvest tidying activity in 1924, Delta Air Lines has developed into one of the world's biggest aircrafts. As the most seasoned working aircraft in the United States, Delta has gone through its portion of consolidations during the organization's 90-year history. One of the most prominent was with California-based Western Airlines in 1987, prompting Delta's present center presence in the West Coast markets of Los Angeles and Salt Lake City.

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  95. As per the Delta cancellation policy, the airlines give the passengers a facility to cancel their flight online with no problems. Moreover, travelers can ask for the markdown online by finishing up the rebate demand structure. The markdown is given interestingly to the qualified flight tickets that are dropped inside a certain range of time. No markdown is given after the expiry of the ticket. The markdown solicitation may save work to be handled and can be yielded within 7 to 10 working days. Assuming Delta Airlines flights are canceled because of any unavoidable reasons from the carriers' end then it gives the ticket amount back to the travelers to book the following flight in its place. In this manner, you can without a doubt cancel your flight and get a markdown on Delta Airlines.

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  106. Turkish Airlines is one of the topmost airlines in the world. There is always an important thing that helps the airlines rival others and for the situation of Turkish airlines, it is their quality administrations and great customer support that makes it the most loved airline to go with. In the event that you investigate the history of Turkish airlines you will get to know the accomplishments of the help. Right from the administrations accessible during the excursion includes the dining offices that are given to the customers of the economy and business classes.

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  107. In the event that you have any questions regarding Turkish airlines, you can undoubtedly determine them by communicating with the customer administration group. They will provide effective assistance to fix your varied issues related to Turkish airlines.

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  108. To sum up, the cancelation expenses rely upon the kind of charge and the hour of cancelation. Along these lines, Turkish Airlines can charge you somewhere in the range of $6 to $14 for flight cancelation.

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    All customers are permitted to carry one piece of hand luggage and one small thing (handbag, laptop) on board. Hand luggage should not surpass 56cm x 45cm x 25cm and the small thing should be no greater than 40cm x 30cm x 15cm. The two things can gauge up to 23kg each.

    Assuming that your hand baggage surpasses the breaking point, it will be looked into the hold. This can be added to your checked baggage allowance. Notwithstanding, assuming it surpasses this, you will be charged the airport's excess baggage fees.

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  112. Sometimes it could be a bit tricky to cancel a flight reservation. In this article, we will answer how to balance a British Airways flight to make the cancellation easier for you. Before starting, you want to know these basic standards. The cancelation cycle may change relying upon your picked sales point. For instance, you can purchase your airline ticket through a travel agent, the sales office of an airline, or straightforwardly on the web.

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    In addition to serving delicious food, we at our restaurant aim to deliver an experience that honors India's rich culinary legacy. There is something for everyone to enjoy and relish at our Best Indian Buffet Restaurant in Columbus OH , regardless of your level of experience with Indian food. Come have lunch or supper with us and see why we're known as Columbus, Ohio's Best Indian Buffet Restaurant. Here, in your own neighborhood, experience the vivid hues, enticing scents, and delectable tastes of India. Arrive famished, depart content, and create lasting memories following your dinner.

  125. If you’re craving authentic Indian cuisine, look no further than Delhi Indian Cuisine, the Best Indian Restaurant In Las Vegas, Nevada. Our restaurant is renowned for its rich flavors, traditional recipes, and exceptional dining experience. Whether you're in the mood for spicy curries, flavorful biryanis, or delectable tandoori dishes, our menu offers something for everyone. At Delhi Indian Cuisine, we use only the freshest ingredients and age-old techniques to ensure every bite is a culinary delight. Our warm and welcoming ambiance makes it the perfect spot for family gatherings, romantic dinners, or casual outings with friends. Call us today at +1 702-383-4900 to make a reservation or inquire about our menu. Experience the finest Indian cuisine in Las Vegas and let us take you on a flavorful journey you won't soon forget!

  126. Looking for an exceptional Indian Dine-in Restaurant In Seattle WA? Look no further than Jewel of India, located at 4735 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105. Our restaurant offers an authentic dining experience with a diverse menu featuring traditional Indian cuisine made from the freshest ingredients. Whether you're craving flavorful curries, savory tandoori dishes, or delectable biryanis, Jewel of India promises a delightful culinary journey. Our warm and welcoming ambiance ensures that every meal is a memorable one, perfect for both casual dining and special occasions. For reservations or inquiries, please contact us at +1 206-523-5275. Discover why we're the go-to choice for an unforgettable Indian dining experience in Seattle!

  127. If you're searching for an authentic Indian Restaurant In Phoenix AZ, look no further than New India Bazaar & Cuisine, located at 2544 N 7th St Suite 101, Phoenix, AZ 85006. Offering a rich selection of traditional Indian dishes, this spot is perfect for anyone craving the bold flavors and vibrant spices that define Indian cuisine. From savory curries to delicious biryanis, the menu has something for everyone. Whether you're dining in or ordering takeout, New India Bazaar & Cuisine delivers a truly authentic experience. To place an order or make a reservation, call +1 602-712-0009 today and savor the best Indian cuisine Phoenix has to offer!

  128. If you're craving a unique fusion of flavors, look no further than Maggi Point Restaurant, the premier destination for indo chinese food in Seattle, WA. Located in the heart of the city, we offer an extensive menu that beautifully blends traditional Indian spices with classic Chinese cooking techniques. Our dishes are crafted using the freshest ingredients, ensuring that each bite is a burst of flavor. From our popular Manchurian to the sizzling Schezwan noodles, each dish reflects the rich culinary heritage of both cultures. Whether you're dining in or ordering takeout, our inviting atmosphere and attentive service make for a memorable experience.
    At Maggi Point, we pride ourselves on delivering authentic Indo-Chinese cuisine that caters to all taste buds. So, if you’re in Seattle and looking to indulge in delicious Indo-Chinese food, give us a call at +1 206-524-6339 to place your order or make a reservation. Discover the vibrant flavors and aromas that await you at Maggi Point Restaurant, where every meal is a celebration of taste!

  129. If you're on the hunt for the Best Indian Restaurant In Seattle, WA , Jewel of India is your destination. Situated at 4735 University Wy NE, Seattle, WA 98105, our restaurant promises an authentic Indian dining experience.
    At jewelofindiawa , we offer a vast array of dishes, meticulously prepared to tantalize your taste buds. Whether it's the rich, aromatic curries or the sizzling tandoori specialties, every dish reflects our commitment to quality and authenticity. Our chefs use only the finest ingredients to ensure each bite is a burst of flavor.
    Don't just take our word for it; come and experience it yourself. Give us a call at +1 206-523-5275 to book your table or place an order. Visit Jewel of India and discover why we are celebrated as the Best Indian Restaurant in Seattle, WA. We look forward to welcoming you!


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